isabellereviewsmovies - B&C
Photo from Roger Ebert

Bonnie and Clyde revolves around the a small town girl who meets and falls in love with a criminal. They start their romance together by robbing banks. When Clyde’s family decides to join in on the fun, the Barrow gang becomes legendary, but how long can they outrun the police before they finally get caught?

As someone from Texas, it was neat to see the different towns that I know or live by, especially since not many films take place in Texas, though they of course look vastly different now.  This film is also known as one of the first Hollywood films to show violence and nudity, but compared to today’s time this was pretty much nothing, however I can see how audiences at the time were fascinated by that at the time.

Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty are phenomenal in this classic film. They had fantastic chemistry together. I really enjoyed that one aspect of their relationship was that Clyde could not perform for Bonnie and that really frustrated the both of them, I have never really seen that in films before. I was mostly unaware of the other members of the gang. I just heard about Bonnie and Clyde, not C.W. or Clyde’s brother, Buck. They gave good performances as well, though Clyde’s sister-in-law could be very annoying.

I was also surprised how long they were able to go without getting caught by the police and you can’t help but root for Bonnie and Clyde though you know what they are doing are selfish and wrong. This is definitely a 60s film from the ideas they portray though the film is set in the 30s.

Overall, Bonnie and Clyde is a fun, classic crime film. Beatty and Dunaway’s performances live up and contribute to the famous gangster’s legacy. I give the film an A-


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